Monday, June 08, 2009

$5 mini monday

I made keychains for the $5 Mini Plush Mondays at the plushteam etsy store!

Friday, April 24, 2009

buy something handmade

It's Etsy Day!

Today, Etsy is promoting Etsy--buyers and sellers are out there promoting the site and declared today Etsy Day! So I'm going to list a few of my favorite Etsy shops.

Felted Style is a Seattle area seller with really neat items.

Yaelfran has been making really unique art for some time. I love her latest works.

Thymbyldesigns combines materials in unconventional designs.

Down to the Wire Designs is a Seattle area metalsmith.

Pink Bathtub Designs makes all unique papergoods that I've liked for as long as I've been on Etsy.

Also, don't forget the fantastic Etsy Plush Team! Check out our team site for all the member links. Some really fantabulous plush!

And of course, my shop SLC Studio. Because it's Etsy Day and I'm in promo mode. :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

cute enough to eat

Anna The Red has made some super cute Totoro Cream Puffs.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Orla Kiely mug

The new mug from the Orla Kiely line at Target. I got the brown pear and the other little flowers and will have to go back to see the others, which were not on the shelf. I also snapped up some of the pear towels to make into cushion covers for our chairs--they were about $6 while the chair cushions were about $14. I also really liked the kitchen floor foam mat, but all I kept thinking was how it would stain and it could only be wiped clean. That's not really going to be much help in our kitchen with the way I cook.

I also really really like the storage boxes, but they're too big for my desk and they're way too girly for the boy's playroom. So I stay on the hunt for storage and organizational stuff.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

new cards

Latest little card--a plush pin on a piece of stock that comes off the card. The pin can be put on anything from a coat to a tote bag to a scarf or simply hung up on the wall (think shadowbox).

You can find it in my etsy shop.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

save handmade

“As of Feb. 10, it will become unlawful to make or sell anything intended
for use by children under 12 without a program to test the goods for lead
— even if no items of their kind have ever been found to pose a lead risk,
even if you make and sell only a few inexpensive items a year, even if
you've sourced their materials from the most conscientious local suppliers
and even if they're items toddlers seldom convey into their mouths, such as dartboards or bicycle tires."

Yeah. That's me. I make stuff for kids under 12 with materials that have never been found to pose a lead risk and I only sell a few inexpensive items a year. Plus, my materials are purchased from commercial manufacturers (one of the ill-defined points in this law) who are already required to pass their own level of tests. It's preposterous and poorly written by a government agency who seems to have cobbled together a law out of knee-jerk reaction rather than research or thought to the total impact.

So even if you raise sheep, shear their wool, spin it into thread, dye the thread with blueberry juice, felt or knit a stuffed toy, stuff the toy with that wool you sheared from your sheep, you would be required to pay a ridiculous fee to have that stuffed toy tested for lead, and that toy would, of course, most likely be destroyed during the testing procedures.

This is the reason why so many indie handcrafters and artisans are asking for changes and trying to prevent this from becoming law.

Go to the Etsy site for more information and the Action Kit, which has all the info you'll ever need about this issue and what you can do to get involved.